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Posts published in “Culture”

After Fox Fires Tucker Carlson, Vegas Plays ‘Who’s Next’

Las Vegas oddsmakers are taking bets on where Tucker Carlson will end up, now that he's no longer welcome at Fox News. They're also taking bets on who will be fired next at the faux news network -- as well as who will get the ax next at CNN, now that Don Lemon has been pushed out the door.

The San Francisco Sound: ‘White Rabbit,’ Grace Slick, and The Great Society

The Great Society in 1965
Grace Slick, Jerry Slick, David Miner, Bard Dupont and Darby Slick in 1965.

On this Sunday’s The Sixties in 60 radio show on The Barrel of Rock, I played a “lost” recording of Grace Slick with The Great Society. The recording wasn’t really lost, of course, since nothing is really lost in the age of the internet where you can find anything you want with a thorough search, but in the old days it would have been considered, at the very least, rare.

Christine Hall

Christine Hall has been working as a journalist since the 1970s. She currently hosts a weekly radio show of  sixties music, The Sixties in 60 that can be heard every Sunday at 6 pm Eastern Time on The Barrel of Rock.

Green Check Wants to Be Why Your Pot Dealer Can Have a Bank Account

As state governments work to make sure that legalizing recreational marijuana doesn’t open a door for illegal drug cartels and/or the mob, legitimate cannabis vendors have been struggling to obtain services that are essential to running a business.

Cannabis Shop sign
SOURCE: Pixabay

At this early stage of the game, it’s not easy being a legal pot dealer in the U.S. No matter how legal you may be in the state where you operate, to federal law enforcement you are a multiple felon — if they want to go after you.

Although the feds haven’t been going after these newly minted legal dealers (and have indicated they have no plans to do so), their legal status on the federal level has been somewhat problematic, both to them and to other companies that want to do business with them.

Christine Hall

Christine Hall has been working as a journalist since the 1970s. She currently hosts a weekly radio show of  sixties music, The Sixties in 60 that can be heard every Sunday at 6 pm Eastern Time on The Barrel of Rock.

Want Psychedelic? Nine Iconic Pristine Posters from San Francisco’s Days of Love ‘n’ Haight

Heritage Auctions is auctioning a collection of mint condition rock ‘n’ roll posters from San Francisico’s acid, weed, music, and Summer-of-Love fueled golden age in the mid to late 1960s. We have nine of them here that we’re sure you’ll want to look at.

Jefferson Airplane 1966
Jefferson Airplane 1966. Click on image for full resolution (you might have to click twice for full size).

Wowie-zowie! You never know what’s going to show up in your inbox when you publish a website like AlternativeApproaches.

Like, for instance, a few days ago the Dallas-based online auction house, Heritage Auctions, sent us these high resolution images of nine pristine-condition rock posters from the psychedelic days when San Francisco was cool and groovy and everything was far out. It’s enough to blow your mind, you dig?

Christine Hall

Christine Hall has been working as a journalist since the 1970s. She currently hosts a weekly radio show of  sixties music, The Sixties in 60 that can be heard every Sunday at 6 pm Eastern Time on The Barrel of Rock.